Egyelőre csak próbaszinten starstitcheltem 20 szemet gyapjúból, 5-ös tűn. Szép. A következő projekt vajon valami csipkedolog lesz, gyapjúból?
Na de előbb a Fan kardigánom legyen készen, és haladok azzal is. A másik eleje van most a tűn. Nagyon várom, hogy meglegyen. Baj csak annyi, hogy jövő héttől nemcsak a munka kezdődik el újra, hanem extra délutáni fogorvos-program is. Ó jaj...
I wish I could understand a bit of your language, but it is all beyond me! Thank you for visiting my blog and all the best to you and your knitting! Lene
Thank you for visiting my blog. I will try to write in English also, this is mainly only in Hungarian. You know, they say, that Finnish and Hungarian languages are related - anyhow (and unfortunately) I do not understand Finnish at all, and I guess it is the same with Finnish people and Hungarian language... But I hope, that you liked the photos, at least...
I wish I could understand a bit of your language, but it is all beyond me!
VálaszTörlésThank you for visiting my blog and all the best to you and your knitting!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I will try to write in English also, this is mainly only in Hungarian. You know, they say, that Finnish and Hungarian languages are related - anyhow (and unfortunately) I do not understand Finnish at all, and I guess it is the same with Finnish people and Hungarian language... But I hope, that you liked the photos, at least...